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Adding methods for new families

It is very, very easy to extend the package to include a family that is not existing in the package. The only missing piece for any other families is a method for calculating the log-density of the distribution.

Since the calculation of the log-density for a family is implemented using S3 methods, all the user needs to do is define a function called log_density.*family_name* with family_name specified as the relevant family.

Below is an example showcasing the single line of code a user needs to write to enable the use of an inverse gaussian family

Example of implementing method for inverse gaussian family

First, we generate some data to showcase the example.

n <- 1000
x1 <- rexp(n, 2)
x2 <- rbinom(n, 1, .5)
b0 <- 1
b1 <- 1.5
b2 <- 2
lin_pred <- b0+b1*x1+b2*x2

invgauss_fam <- inverse.gaussian()
y_invnorm <- statmod::rinvgauss(n, mean = invgauss_fam$linkinv(lin_pred),
                                shape = 1, dispersion = 1)
dat_invnorm <- data.frame(Y = y_invnorm, X1 = x1, X2 = x2)

All the user needs to do is specify a method for computing the density of an inverse gaussian distribution like so:

log_density.inverse.gaussian <- function(family, mu, Y, ...) {
  statmod::dinvgauss(Y, mean = mu, ..., log = T)

where mu is the modelled mean μ=g1(Xβ)\mu=g^{-1}(X\beta) in the GLM model, and Y is the response variable.

Then, mcmcglm() can be called like so:

invnorm <- mcmcglm::mcmcglm(formula = Y ~ .,
                            family = inverse.gaussian(),
                            log_likelihood_extra_args = list(shape = 1, dispersion = 1),
                            data = dat_invnorm,
                            beta_prior = distributional::dist_gamma(1, 1),
                            w = 0.5)

where we specify inverse.gaussian() as the family argument, and we make sure to add the additional arguments to this density through the log_likelihood_extra_args argument.