Quarto for Knowledge Management
Session called Level Up Your Data Science Skills, but I only watched the last talk labelled “Quarto for Knowledge Management”.
Session description
Have you ever considered using the power and flexibility of Quarto for note-taking and knowledge management? I did, and now I use Quarto websites to track my PhD progress, document insights from conferences, manage collaborative research projects, and more. Let me show you how easy it is to implement standard knowledge management system features, such as cross-referencing, search indexing, and custom navigation. But what if you want more advanced features like glossaries, document listings and summaries of datasets? Well, with some creative use of Quarto’s many features and extensions, almost anything is possible. Whether you’re new to Quarto or a seasoned expert, consider adding Quarto to your note-taking toolkit.
Session notes
See Cynthia’s Quarto wiki template to create a Quarto website to host research notes, articles, glossaries, etc.
See Cynthia’s repo for her personal website
Essence of talk: Have all notes from research gathered in one place, so everything is searchable and reusable.
- Use Quarto listings to create overviews of fx. definitions of terms withing different research fields
- Tip: Can ctrl+V images in visual mode
- Use of javascript extensions lightbox (allows reader to click image to enlarge) and masonry (grid layout library for customisation of image placements)
format: manuscript
for research notes- Similar to website but can be tied up to journal templates
Separate repo with images
Cynthia has a separate repo with images that are used across projects, so they are in a central location where they are easily found
- Readme is constructed to show all images and where they can be found